
12 12 月, 2022
Why is Robotic Surgery In Singapore More Efficient (2)

机器人手术(也称为机器人辅助手术)是微创手术(MIS)平台中最先进的形式 – 通过身体上的锁孔切口(8mm)来进行手术。机器人手术是最先进的MIS类型,用于代替传统上通过开放式方法进行手的手术(涉及在身体上做大切口的手术)。在国际胸腔外科中心,机器人肺切除术是接受肺切除术患者的首选方式。  Robotic surgery in Singapore consists of a system that includes one robotic arm with a camera attached to it, as well as several mechanical arms with surgical instruments attached to them. These arms are thin, long, and hollow tubes that are inserted into the body through the small incisions made on the surgical site. The surgeon will then control these arms through a computer console located near the operating bed. The console allows the surgeon to get magnified views of the surgical site in high-definition, thereby allowing them to perform complex procedures with great precision. Other members of the surgical team will also be present during the operation to assist the main surgeon. 


鉴于机器人手术的性质,许多使用机器人手术系统的外科医生发现她更加精准,因为和开放性手术相比,机械臂的使用试外科医生能够更好地控制移动的精准度、范围以及稳定性。使用立体3D摄像机可以让外科医生在控制台看到高清视图,更好的观察手术部位(具有比肉眼更好的放大率,并为外科医生提供手术部位更深的感知)。机器人手术在更好的深度感知、准确度、移动范围和控制度上都非常的精准。  此外,从患者的角度来看,鉴于机器人手术的微创特性,出现出血、疼痛、感染和疤痕等并发症的风险也较低。由于切口也更小,患者的康复时间和住院时间都会更短。较短的恢复时间使患者能够尽快恢复正常生活或进一步进行肺癌的治疗。 

Why is Robotic Surgery In Singapore More Efficient


Based on a study conducted in 2019, overall survival rates following lung resection for early-stage lung cancer was 86.1% with robotic surgery and 83.2% for open surgery, demonstrating that robotic surgery is a safe and feasible technique that can bring about comparable long-term and progression-free survival rates. 



机器人手术的优点很多,其中最主要的一个是它能够以微创方式进行手术,并在体内创建较小的切口。它可以降低出血、感染和疼痛等手术并发症的风险,还可以缩短住院和康复时间,恢复后疤痕也较小。  此外,通过使用机器人手术系统,外科医生能够更好地观察手术部位,并能通过使用机械臂更精确地进行手术。  机器人手术的缺点包括:

  • 它需要由精通该技术的受训医生来完成,因为机器人手术不在所有外科医生的培训范围内,不是所有的外科医生点都可以进行机器人手术。
  • 机器人手术只能在有适当的技术和人力来维护机器人的医疗机构中使用。 


只要手术制证正确,任何人都可以采用机器人手术。有些患者可能不适合通过开放式手术来进行手术,由于机器人手术的微创特性,机器人手术是他们可选的方式。 因此,是否能使用机器人手术取决于患者对手术的适应性,以及和您的外科医生讨论结果,医生将确定您是否适合采用机器人手术。 


Robotic surgery is a new type of MIS that is effective, cost-effective, and more accurate. Here at ICTS, Dr Aneez is trained in robotic surgery to treat many lung conditions. To find out if robotic surgery is an option for you, do come to our centre and we will answer any doubts and queries that you may have, in addition to deciding the best treatment modality should you need one.  参考  Spaggiari, Lorenzo, et al. “A Brief Report on Survival After Robotic Lobectomy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer.” Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 19 August 2019, https://www.jto.org/article/S1556-0864(19)30666-5/fulltext. Accessed 8 December 2022.
